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Avvenuta ieri, una discussione fra il coder Coldbird e jvhellraiser (betatester) riguardante il Custom Firmware PRO, che molto probabilmente verrà rilasciato in tre versioni:


  1. 6.20 PRO-B-P(=Permaflashable)
  2. 6.20 PRO-B
  3. 6.35 PRO-B


Custom Firmware tutti i gusti+1: ci sarà la versione classica che sarà per il FW 6.35 e altre due per il FW 6.20: una permanente e l'altra temporanea.


Discussione fra coder


4/8/2011 6:48:47 PM :: coldbird



4/8/2011 6:49:18 PM :: jvhellraiser

why is blog down?

4/8/2011 6:49:35 PM :: coldbird

good question


4/8/2011 6:49:48 PM :: coldbird

let me check the server stats real quick


4/8/2011 6:50:32 PM :: coldbird


4/8/2011 6:50:37 PM :: coldbird

my domain was deleted?!


4/8/2011 6:50:41 PM :: coldbird


4/8/2011 6:50:50 PM :: jvhellraiser

yes i have notice


4/8/2011 6:51:00 PM :: jvhellraiser

that what i was trying to tell you


4/8/2011 6:51:07 PM :: coldbird

the server is still running fine


4/8/2011 6:51:09 PM :: coldbird

just the domain thats broken


4/8/2011 6:52:03 PM :: jvhellraiser

they only way i have been able to access and this was

later on was by accessing the web cache


4/8/2011 6:52:32 PM :: jvhellraiser

but after a while it block me too


4/8/2011 6:52:41 PM :: coldbird



4/8/2011 6:53:18 PM :: coldbird



4/8/2011 6:53:23 PM :: coldbird

the domain is alright...


4/8/2011 6:53:27 PM :: coldbird

its registered and active...


4/8/2011 6:53:37 PM :: coldbird

i think its just a temporary dns server hickup


4/8/2011 6:53:42 PM :: coldbird

on the toplevel domainserver


4/8/2011 6:54:22 PM :: coldbird

give it a night and it should be back to normal - if not. i will have to take measures.


4/8/2011 6:54:42 PM :: coldbird

could be someone reported to that im doing psp reversing or something.


4/8/2011 6:54:49 PM :: coldbird

and they think its bad


4/8/2011 6:54:56 PM :: jvhellraiser

not sure


4/8/2011 6:54:58 PM :: coldbird

well... i will take a closer look at it tomorrow.


4/8/2011 6:55:04 PM :: coldbird

right now there is nothing i can do.


4/8/2011 6:55:06 PM :: jvhellraiser

but somebody did


4/8/2011 6:55:10 PM :: coldbird

the server is okay.


4/8/2011 6:55:14 PM :: coldbird

its the domain thats flawed...


4/8/2011 6:55:23 PM :: coldbird

and the domain is "active" - so i cant do anything about it


4/8/2011 6:55:27 PM :: jvhellraiser

ok one question


4/8/2011 6:55:31 PM :: coldbird



4/8/2011 6:55:42 PM :: jvhellraiser

B4 won be release this weekend


4/8/2011 6:55:56 PM :: jvhellraiser

or it will be release?


4/8/2011 6:56:05 PM :: coldbird

this depends on vfs oppinion


4/8/2011 6:56:11 PM :: coldbird

we are ready for release


4/8/2011 6:56:14 PM :: coldbird

im only waiting for his okay.


4/8/2011 6:56:15 PM :: coldbird



4/8/2011 6:57:56 PM :: jvhellraiser

i really don't mind as long you guys are working with it everything will be ok


4/8/2011 6:58:34 PM :: coldbird



4/8/2011 7:00:12 PM :: jvhellraiser

Oh what is the big surprise VF has for us


4/8/2011 7:00:30 PM :: coldbird

multiple flavor pro-cfw


4/8/2011 7:00:32 PM :: jvhellraiser

i thought it was Inferno


4/8/2011 7:00:51 PM :: coldbird

multiple flavorß


4/8/2011 7:01:03 PM :: coldbird

pro-b4 will be released as...


4/8/2011 7:01:12 PM :: coldbird

6.20 PRO-B-P


4/8/2011 7:01:18 PM :: coldbird

6.20 PRO-B


4/8/2011 7:01:21 PM :: coldbird

and 6.35 PRO-B


4/8/2011 7:01:35 PM :: coldbird

all 3 of em have the same features.


4/8/2011 7:01:46 PM :: coldbird

but PRO-B-P is permaflashable


4/8/2011 7:01:47 PM :: coldbird



4/8/2011 7:02:02 PM :: jvhellraiser

you are telling me the 6.20 B-P is permanent?


4/8/2011 7:02:05 PM :: coldbird



4/8/2011 7:02:18 PM :: coldbird

on all units up to 5g smile.gif (psp go)


4/8/2011 7:02:28 PM :: jvhellraiser

I my GOD hahahah


4/8/2011 7:03:00 PM :: jvhellraiser

great jod this and awesome !! thank so much


4/8/2011 7:03:48 PM :: coldbird

no problem.


4/8/2011 7:04:28 PM :: jvhellraiser

is permanent Pro-B more stable than TN-D perma patch?


4/8/2011 7:04:57 PM :: coldbird

of course.


4/8/2011 7:05:05 PM :: coldbird

perma patch for tn-d was just a quick 10 min hack of us


4/8/2011 7:05:09 PM :: coldbird

to test if permanent fw is possible


4/8/2011 7:05:22 PM :: coldbird

of course we have stabilized this test code of ours...


4/8/2011 7:05:27 PM :: coldbird

and turned it into a relyable full cfw biggrin.gif


4/8/2011 7:06:07 PM :: jvhellraiser

OMG,iam out of words i don't know what to say!


4/8/2011 7:06:23 PM :: jvhellraiser

thank you


4/8/2011 7:06:32 PM :: coldbird

im glad you are happy about it


4/8/2011 7:06:43 PM :: coldbird

we spent a lot of work for preparing b4...


4/8/2011 7:06:47 PM :: coldbird

and its 3 different versions


4/8/2011 7:06:55 PM :: coldbird

all 3 versions have the same features though


4/8/2011 7:07:01 PM :: coldbird

so dont let the smaller number 6.20 fool you...


4/8/2011 7:07:13 PM :: coldbird

all 3 versions use the same code inside its core


4/8/2011 7:07:14 PM :: coldbird



4/8/2011 7:07:25 PM :: jvhellraiser

Awsome XD


4/8/2011 7:07:27 PM :: coldbird

all games you can play on our 6.35 one...

will work on 6.20 and the other way round


4/8/2011 7:07:58 PM :: jvhellraiser

this going to be one hell of a realease!


4/8/2011 7:08:20 PM :: coldbird



4/8/2011 7:08:28 PM :: coldbird

its why we are going to enter genesis with this


4/8/2011 7:08:40 PM :: coldbird

first true permanent cfw for units up to 5g (psp go)


4/8/2011 7:08:57 PM :: coldbird

and for all units above 5g...


4/8/2011 7:09:08 PM :: coldbird

they can still use our 6.35 PRO-B4 flavor


4/8/2011 7:09:14 PM :: coldbird

which works up to version 9g... biggrin.gif


4/8/2011 7:09:17 PM :: coldbird

(latest model out)


4/8/2011 7:09:34 PM :: jvhellraiser

hahahaha this is so unreal!


4/8/2011 7:09:51 PM :: coldbird

trust me


4/8/2011 7:09:54 PM :: coldbird

it is very real

Interview with Coldbird

made by Admin Javier

Pro-B4 6.20 permanent tester!



Dimenticavo... il blog del coder Coldbird è in Down temporaneo.

Featured Replies


be si sono molto contento di questa novità, ma . . . in cosa consiste questo? è una modifica? qualcosa di simile? o qualcosa di totalmente diverso?

io non l'ho capito

E' un Custom parole povere è una modifica temporanea che ogni volta che spegni la PSP completamente esso si disattiva e te devi riattivarlo...questo CF è utilizzato soprattutto su PSP 200X con scheda madre TA-088v3 (datacode 8c),PSP 300X e PSP Go.
quindi, andrebbe rifatta ad ogni riavvio . . . per la PSP 3004 con firm 6.30 non è molto idicata suppongo

Per la tua PSP segui queste 2 semplici procedure:


Procedura aggiornamento a FW6.35 Sony:

-Scarica il seguente pacchetto:

-Collega la PSP al PC tramite cavo USB e apri l'archivio scaricato

-Estrai il file 635.PBP sul desktop e rinominalo in EBOOT.PBP

-Crea sempre sul desktop una cartella chiamata UPDATE e mettici il file EBOOT.PBP

-Ora prendi questa cartella e mettila nella cartella GAME della memory stick

-Scollega la PSP dalla connessione USB vai nei giochi e fai l'aggiornamento.


Procedura avvio 6.35PRO-B4:

-Scarica il 6.35PRO-B4 da qui

-Collega la PSP al PC e apri l'archivio

-Estrai la cartella PROUPDATE presente nell'archivio nella cartella GAME della memory stick

-Scollega la PSP dalla connessione USB vai nei giochi e avvia l'installer

-Alla prima schermata premi X per avviare l'installazione se tutto è andato bene dovrebbe apparirti "Press X to start CFW" ovviamente premi X per avviare il CF e la tua PSP è modificata


P.S.Ovviamente questo è un CF temporaneo e quindi ogni volta che spegni la PSP esso si disattiva e devi riattivarlo.


grazie della guida U_U, per ora me ne accontenterò.

un ultima domanda, questo tipo di modifica esiste permanente?

No...sulle 3000 non è possibile installare un Custom Firmware permanente come si fa sulle PSP Fat (100X) o Slim&Lite (200X con datacode inferiore a 8c)
capito, be grazie dell'aiuto logistico
Figurati ;)

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