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Sto creando un programma per scrivere un nome in codici a barre (code39), per far ciò ho provato ad usare un font ma è troppo banale così ho deciso di provare a usare l'elemento Graphics.

Sono riuscito a farlo funzionare ma non so perchè ogni tanto fa le linee di dimensioni che vuole lui...

Cioè, se le dimensioni delle barre sono Grande=1 Piccola=0.5 l'applicazione ogni tanto fa la dimensione che vuole, oppure sbaglia la X, non capisco... Ecco il codice sorgente


(E' incasinato, tanto...)

Public BarCodes(122) As String

Private Const BARCODE_HEIGHT As Integer = 80
Private Const BARCODE_TOP As Integer = 10
Private Const BARCODE_LEFT As Integer = 10

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
       Dim barwidth As Single
       barwidth = 9
       Dim BinaryString As String = ""
       Dim jmlText, jmlChar, i As Integer
       Dim pen As New System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Black, barwidth / 2)
       Dim penB As New System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Black, barwidth)
       Dim PenW As New System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.White, barwidth)
       Dim penwhite As New System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.White, barwidth / 2)
       jmlChar = 0
       jmlText = Len(TextBox1.Text)
       For i = 0 To jmlText - 1
           TextBox1.SelectionStart = i
           TextBox1.SelectionLength = 1
           BinaryString = BinaryString & BarCodes(Asc(TextBox1.SelectedText)) & "0"
       Dim pb As PictureBox
       Dim g As Graphics
       pb = New PictureBox

       'Creating the Bar Code
       With pb

           .Width = 100
           .Height = BARCODE_HEIGHT
           pb.Image = New Bitmap(.Width, .Height)
       End With
           g = Graphics.FromImage(pb.Image)
           Dim X As Single = BARCODE_LEFT
           Label1.Text = BinaryString
           For i = 0 To Len(BinaryString) - 1
               If i Mod 2 = 0 And 1 Then
                   If Mid(BinaryString, i + 1, 1) = "1" Then
                       g.DrawLine(penB, X, BARCODE_TOP, X, BARCODE_HEIGHT + BARCODE_TOP)
                       X = X + penB.Width

                   ElseIf Mid(BinaryString, i + 1, 1) = "0" Then
                       g.DrawLine(pen, X, BARCODE_TOP, X, BARCODE_HEIGHT + BARCODE_TOP)
                       X = X + pen.Width

                   End If

                   If Mid(BinaryString, i + 1, 1) = "1" Then
                       g.DrawLine(PenW, X, BARCODE_TOP, X, BARCODE_HEIGHT + BARCODE_TOP)
                       X = X + PenW.Width

                   ElseIf Mid(BinaryString, i + 1, 1) = "0" Then
                       g.DrawLine(penwhite, X, BARCODE_TOP, X, BARCODE_HEIGHT + BARCODE_TOP)
                       X = X + penwhite.Width

                   End If
               End If
           PictureBox1.Image = pb.Image
       Catch se As Exception
       End Try

   End Sub

Function SetCodes()
       BarCodes(97) = "100001001"
       BarCodes(98) = "001001001"
       BarCodes(99) = "101001000"
       BarCodes(100) = "000011001"
       BarCodes(101) = "100011000"
       BarCodes(102) = "001011000"
       BarCodes(103) = "000001101"
       BarCodes(104) = "100001100"
       BarCodes(105) = "001001100"
       BarCodes(106) = "000011100"
       BarCodes(107) = "100000011"
       BarCodes(108) = "001000011"
       BarCodes(109) = "101000010"
       BarCodes(110) = "000010011"
       BarCodes(111) = "100010010"
       BarCodes(112) = "001010010"
       BarCodes(113) = "000000111"
       BarCodes(114) = "100000110"
       BarCodes(115) = "001000110"
       BarCodes(116) = "000010110"
       BarCodes(117) = "110000001"
       BarCodes(118) = "011000001"
       BarCodes(119) = "111000000"
       BarCodes(120) = "010010001"
       BarCodes(121) = "110010000"
       BarCodes(122) = "011010000"
   End Function


Le cifre binarie funzionano così:

si alternano tra nero-bianco (inizia il nero), 0 sta per linea piccola, 1 per linea grossa...

Ciao :D

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Per me la programmazione è arabo

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