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Secondo alcune indiscrezioni, Sony sarebbe alla ricerca di un browser internet più performante per la PS3 e, secondo quanto riportato da alcune testate d'oltre oceano, il miglior candidato sarebbe stato individuato in Firefox. Le trattative con Mozilla sarebbero già  iniziate da diverso tempo.


We recently received a tip from a source very close to Sony who says that they have been in talks with Mozilla lately about possibly porting firefox over to the PS3. That said, our source made sure to point out that they were unsure if any deal had actually been reached at this point, but it is great news none the less considering the complaints Sony has been getting about the lack of reliability with their current built in PS3 web browser. Throwing firefox into the mix would give PS3 the ultimate advantage when it came to internet functionality. I know I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for this one, and PSInsider will be sure to bring you any updates to this rumor as they become available.



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