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ciao a tutti io ho un problema con opera.

allora i vorrei scaricare un script da userscript ma quando clicco su install invece di scaricarmelo mi esce così:



// ==UserScript==

// @name KabaListics (DoA Power Tools Plus II modded by Jawz)

// @namespace

// @icon

// @description Enhanced Power Tools for Dragons of Atlantis, modded by Jawz - Supported languages : Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish

// @match *://*

// @match *://**/game

// @match *://

// @match *://

// @match *://*

// @match *://**

// @include *://*

// @include *://*/games/659749063556*

// @include *://*

// @include *://**/game

// @include *://**



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